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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


This overview screen is divided into two tabs: ‘All files’ and ‘Bank accounts’.

By default, you will see the overview of your files as a file manager and all files without a file manager. If you wish, you can change this using the filters at the top.

Tip: Do you want to save a combination of filters? Then add the URL to your favorites.

  • Tab 'All files'
    Accountants Portal Files En

    In the tab 'All files', you get an overview of all files, with the following columns:

    Column Symbol Explanation
    Status Info Cirkel Indicates whether the entrepreneur has ever logged in or not. If they have logged in before, the message 'This file is in order' will appear.
    New files File The number of documents your customer has yet to process in the fast input.
    To check File Question The number of documents to be reviewed in your accountant portal.
    To export File Arrow Right The number of sales and purchase invoices ready to be exported. By default, the list is sorted by this column.
    Last activity Indicates when the entrepreneur last logged into the file.
    Integrations Indicates which active integration you can export via (BillSync, Exact Online, Octopus ...)
    Licence paid by Indicates who pays the license for the file: the business owner or the accountant. You will also see which type of license is active.

    To export purchase and sales invoices for multiple files simultaneously, select these files and then click the "Export Documents" button at the top.

    To change the data of a file, click on the file. To the right of the name of the file you will then see a pencil icon to edit the file.