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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


In this menu, you get an overview of all imported financial transactions via your digital connections to your bank account(s).

If you don't have any bank accounts linked to Billit yet this menu will be empty. Please visit the tab 'Bank' in your company profile and add a bank account.

  • How to process an invoice without transaction (cash or credit note)

    Sometimes you don't have a digital transaction for an invoice, for example when a customer pays in cash. You can indicate this when you create or import an invoice.

    In some cases invoices are paid via a credit note with an outstanding amount from a supplier. Because this is not a transaction but a document Billit does not allow credit notes to be linked to several invoices, like it does with transactions. You can indicate in a different way that several invoices were paid with a credit note.

    Process the credit note as an expense in 'Fast input'. Leave the field 'Concerning invoice' empty (this is only used when you link one invoice to one credit note). You will now find the imported credit note in the list under 'Expenditure' > 'Credit notes' and it will have the status 'To be paid'. Leave this for now.

    Now go to the 'Expenditure' menu and open the invoices for which you want to deduct (a part of) the credit note. Next, enter the amount in the field 'Payments' below and refer to the credit note in the comments. After adding this payment the outstanding amount will change at the top.

    When you've finished, go back to 'Expenditure' > 'Credit notes' and change the credit note status to 'Paid'.

    If the credit note amount is equal to or lower than the amount of the purchase invoice, you can open the credit note and fill in the purchase invoice number in the field 'Concerning invoice number'. This way, everything will be linked automatically and the outstanding amount of the purchase invoice will be correct.