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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


In this menu, you get an overview of all imported financial transactions via your digital connections to your bank account(s).

If you don't have any bank accounts linked to Billit yet this menu will be empty. Please visit the tab 'Bank' in your company profile and add a bank account.

  • Settings for payment verification

    Use these settings to tailor the automatic payment check to your enterprise. You can find the under 'Settings' > 'Advanced settings'.

    • 'Match payments based on amount and date': when you activate this option matching purchase invoces to transactions will be less strict. Check this option if you want to match without checking invoice number or OGM (structured remittance). This is the best option if your receive a lot of payments with different amounts where the remittance doesn't match the invoice (such as Bancontact payments). Please note: this increases the chance for incorrect matching between transactions and invoices.
    • 'Automatically process payment with key': fill in a term here to search for it in your transactions. Any transaction with this text will be automatically set to 'Processed'. Separate different terms with a comma.  For example, if you want to always mark transactions related to the payment of your expired investment credit and payments via the payment terminal in your store as processed, even if there is no invoice match, enter the following text in this field: ‘Expired investment credit, payment terminal’. The key relates to both the remittance as the counterparty's name.
    • 'Allowed payment difference in EUR': fill in an amount for which an invoice can get the 'Paid' status even if the customer paid slightly less.
    • 'Allowed payment difference in %': fill in a percentage for which an invoice can get the 'Paid' status even if the customer paid slightly less.