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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


  • Dashboard widgets

    Please note:

    A large portion of the information on your dashboard comes from the connection with your bank. If you haven't linked any bank account(s) with Billit, you won't be able to see all the information on the dashboard.

    The Billit dashboard consists of various visual representations of your key financial business data and shortcuts to the key functions of the platform. These widgets allow you to get an accurate overview at a glance, enabling action-oriented decision making:

    • Processing invoices: the number of invoices to be processed with shortcuts.
    • Expired invoices: the number of expired invoices with shortcuts.
    • Shortcuts: quick access to the platform's key functions. Creating invoices, quotes, delivery notes, purchase orders, and customers.
    • Bank overview: an overview of the balances of your linked bank accounts.
    • Memo: make notes on the dashboard via the memo widget.
    • Income and expense chart: a chart overview of your income and expenses per month (based on your invoices, not your transactions).
    • Chart of unpaid expired invoices: a chart overview of your invoices that have been expired for three or more days.
    • Bank chart: a chart overview of the balances per account number for the last 365 days.
    • Annual figures: an overview of all income and expenses of the current fiscal year.
    • Quarterly figures: an overview of all quarters of the past four years.

    The charts are based on the data we extract from the invoices found in the income/expenses and bank statements imported by linking your bank.