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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Import/receive files in Fast Input

Billit has several ways of receiving invoices:

  • Peppol
  • Email
  • Manual upload
  • A picture on your smartphone

On this page you can find more info on all ways to receive or upload invoices in Billit.

  • Importing files via email

    You can also send or have your files sent to one of the unique email addresses for quick entry. This way, all your purchase invoices automatically end up in your quick entry. These email addresses are unique to your company and consist of complex letter combinations to prevent unwanted emails from entering your quick entry. You can also create a new address with an easier name for your suppliers (e.g., and from there manually or automatically forward your invoices to the quick entry email address.

    How you automatically forward emails depends on the email service you use. If an email in the quick entry does not contain an attachment (and therefore no invoice), it is forwarded to the email address in the company record to ensure this email is not lost.

    • Using the email address 'Do not split files' will prevent files with multiple pages from being split upon import. This is the most suitable email address to have suppliers send invoices to. You can still split a file later via the 'To process' tab by selecting it in the top-left checkbox and clicking the 'Split' button. Files with more than three pages that you split are initially forwarded to the 'Splitter' tab.
    Note: Files with more than 99 pages are ALWAYS sent to the 'Splitter' tab, even if sent via the 'Do not split files' email address.


    • Using the email address 'Split files' will split files with multiple pages, and they will appear in the 'Splitter' tab. There, you can choose to process them split (each page as a separate file) and/or group them into files with multiple pages. This is especially useful when importing a large number of invoices/pages in one file (for example, when importing a large number of invoices via your scanner). You can also later merge pages into one file by indicating which pages belong together with the checkbox and clicking the 'Merge' button during processing in the 'To process' tab.
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