This article explains how you can create and send an electronic invoice (UBL) in Billit in three easy steps (B2C, B2B and Government services).
After creating the invoice you can fill in the information. If you have imported an existing invoice via Fast Input, you can skip this step.
Select your customer from the customer list or add a new customer while creating your invoice. Billit will automatically search for your customer's data in the local VAT database (depending on the location of your enterprise) when you start typing the name or VAT number in the VAT field of the customer file. This way, you don't have to look up your customer's details yourself.
Fill in all data:
While filling in the order lines, you can select the products and/or services from the 'Product' menu or you can create new products when you're drafting your invoice.
When you've filled in all information, save your invoice as draft (the invoice won't be created yet and won't receive a number) or create a final invoice which you can send. You can also convert the invoice to a periodic invoice.