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  • Applying financial discount

    Financial discount is a type of discount which you can apply or receive when an invoice is paid within a period of time. This discount motivates your clients to pay faster. For example, you can give your client a discount when he pays an invoice within seven days or or your supplier gives you a discount when you pay his invoices within eight days.

    • Giving financial discount to customers

    To give a customer a financial discount you first need to switch on the option ‘Financial discount’ in the ‘Advanced’ section under the menu ‘Settings’. In the field below you can indicate within how many days customers should pay to be entitled to the financial discount.

    When the option is active you can apply the discount on customer level or per invoice. The discount will be added automatically to each of the customer's invoices. You can give a standard financial discount to a customer in their customer details and the tab 'Discounts'. You can still change this discount on each invoice and indicate how much financial discount a customer should have.

    When you now create an invoice the field ‘Financial discount’ will be visible. If you already set a financial discount in the customer details that amount will be already filled in. You can still change it on the invoice.

    After saving the invoice the discount won't be included in the total amount on the pdf preview. You will find it in the field underneath the structured remittance. By using a different key on your invoice you can also add the total amount to the grey box instead of just the discount.

    Read more about changing the layout of your invoice

    The automatic payment verification will take the discount into account. If your customer pays in time the transaction will be linked to the invoice and the status will be set to 'paid'.

    Please note:

    With financial discount the VAT is always calculated on the total amount excluding VAT and the discount is already deducted. In the following example the price incl. VAT is 100 €, the VAT rate is 21 % and there is a financial discount of 2 %. The taxable amount (the total amount excluding VAT and the deducted financial discount) is 98 €. The payable VAT amount is 20.58 € (even when a customer paid too late and is not entitled to the financial discount). The total invoice amount, not including the discount, is 120.58 €. The financial discount amounts to 2 % or 2 € and can be found in the grey box with the bank transfer details. If your customer pays on time, he should pay 98 € + 20.58 €. If he pays too late, he should pay 100 € + 20.58 €. The VAT is always based on the taxable amount, which is the amount excl. VAT with discount.

    • Total price excl. VAT: 100 €
    • Financial discount (2%): 2 €
    • Taxable amount: 98 €
    • VAT 21%: 20.58 €
    • Total amount on invoice (without discount, incl. VAT): 120.58 €
    • Payable amount, in time for discount: 118.58 € -> not on invoice, discount is only added to the grey box with the bank transfer details
    • Getting a financial discount from suppliers

    Just like giving a financial discount to your customers you can also get it from your suppliers. You'll also need to turn on the option ‘Financial discount’ in the section ‘Advanced’ under the menu ‘Settings’. If you already turned on this setting for your customers the discount tab will be active for your suppliers as well.

    You can fill in the financial discount for your suppliers in the suppliers discount tab, just like with your customers. When importing an invoice from this supplier the discount will now be automatically filled in under ‘Financial discount’. You can still change the amount on the invoice.

    After the import the invoice total amount is always the amount including the financial discount. If you pay after the financial discount period you'll need to add the discount to the total amount yourself. If you pay after the final date using a payment file you'll need to add the financial discount to the amount in your file.

    The invoice due date is, as a default, the final due date and not the end of the payment term for the financial discount. If you suspect you might not be able to pay in time and benefit from the discount you can manually change the due date to the final date for the discount so you'll be notified in time.

    The automatic payment verification will also take financial discount into account and change an invoice status to 'paid' or not.

    • financial discount is not the same as credit restriction!

    Credit restriction is a negative discount or supplement which should compensate for the credit given by the seller to the customer in form of the payment term. If a customer pays quickly the seller hasn't given any credit and the customer doesn't have to pay a supplement. Credit restriction is currently not available in Billit and will be implemented in the future.