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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Order forms

  • Smart statuses for order forms

    Billit is a smart, virtual assistant. Based on the actions taken with an order form, the statuses for available order forms will change.


    • Status Draft: the order form is still in draft and not yet final 
    • Status To send: the order form is final but not yet sent to the customer
    • Status To invoice: the order form is final but no invoice has been created yet for this order form
    • Status Delivery note created: the order form is final, its content has been delivered to the customer and a delivery note was create for this note
    • Status Invoiced: an invoice was made for this order form
    • Status Canceled: the order form was canceled, no further action required
    • Status Expired: the order form has expired and requires urgent action.