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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Link Billit with Scrada

  • How to use the connection between Billit and Scrada

    After you make the connection as described in the installation and indicate which books may be sent to Billit, they are forwarded to Billit once a month. If you want to do this more often, you can change this in the Scrada settings of the daily receipts and/or cash book.

    Daily receipts

    Day receipts are forwarded to Billit as a sales invoice. This invoice is automatically set to paid in Billit and the number always starts with SCRADA-DR- followed by the invoice number.

    If an 'Invoice code customer' is entered in Scrada in the settings of daily receipt book, Scrada searches whether there is a customer with this code in Billit. If not, a customer is created in Billit with this code.

    If you enter 'Invoice name customer' , Billit will look for a customer with this name. If the customer does not exist, Scrada will create it in Billit. The sales invoice in Billit contains the detail information of the daily receipts as an attachment.

    Cash book

    After forwarding the first cash transactions, the cash balance is displayed in the Billit dashboard. You can set certain payment transactions automatically to processed. Scrada uses a separate code for each type of cash transaction. More information about these codes can be found on Scrada's FAQ page.

    If a cash book is forwarded to Billit and you want to set some codes to processed, such as, daily receipts (DR/DRIN/), payment daily receipts (DR/DRPM/), bank to cash (CB/BACA/), cash to bank (CB/CABA/), withdrawal private (CB/PRTA/) and payment private (CB/PRDE) you have to enter these codes as a key for payment control.

    To do this, go to the 'Settings' menu in Billit and click 'Show Advanced'. Scroll down to the 'Payment control' box and, under the item 'Payment automatically processed by key', enter the codes (DR/DRIN/,DR/DRPM/,CB/BACA/,CB/CABA/,CB/PRTA/,CB/PRDE/) as key (separated by a comma).