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Invoicing with Billit via SDI

  • How to send an invoice to an Italian customer

    To send an invoice to an Italian customer you should have received the following info from your customer (without this info your invoice cannot be sent correctly):


    • Codice Destinatario: the IPA code or Codice Destinatario is the digital address to which your customer is registered. Fill in this code in the PO number field.
    • PEC: the Posta Elettronica certificata or email certificate is an email system used in Italy to send legally binding emails. Fill in this address as the recipient email address (in the customer file). 
    • Codice Univoco Ufficio: you'll need this code if you want to send invoices to an Italian government service. You won't need it for B2B transactions. Fill in this code in the PO number field. It will replace the Codice Destinario.

    When the SDI option is activated the button 'Send via Peppol' will be replaced with the button 'Send via SDI' if the recipient of your invoice has an Italian VAT number.