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Layout of cover letters and reminders

Aside from the layout of your invoices you can also set the layout and content of your cover letters and reminder emails. These mails are used to send reminders to your customer. Just like documents you can change the default layout or create several templates. When you've created several templates you can choose your template for an invoice, quote, order form, delivery note or credit note from the dropdown menu at the top and  set the layout for your cover letter.

  • Adjusting the layout of your accompanying letter/reminder

    On the "Cover letter for ..." page, you can configure the text used in the accompanying email sent to customers with documents. Here, you can customize the content and style of the email, including dynamic data (such as invoice amounts, customer details, and payment information). This ensures a personalized and professional appearance for your communication.

    • Step 1: Navigating to the Settings

    Go to the Cover letter for page within the Corporate lay-out style of your account.

    • Step 2: Selecting or Creating a Template

    At the top of the page, you can select an existing template from the dropdown menu or create a new letter by clicking the orange + Add button.
    Give the template a recognizable name, such as "Invoice Letter 2."

    • Step 3: General Settings for the Template

    Name: Enter the name of the template (e.g., "Invoice Letter 2").
    Default: Enable this option if you want to use this template as the default email when sending invoices.
    PDF Renderer: Choose the version of the PDF renderer. We recommend using the new renderer.

    • Step 4: Language Settings

    Under the Dutch section, you can configure the text of the invoice letter. If you support multiple languages, you can easily add additional languages via the NL tab and configure the content for each desired language.
    A letter template will, by default, only be displayed in the language in which your company profile is set. The platform provides standard templates for the following languages: Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish, Czech, Swedish.

      • If the standard letter for the language of your company profile is not modified, the platform will use the default template for all available languages. The platform will then always use the default template in the language set in the customer's profile.
      • If the standard letter (in the language of your company profile) is modified, the platform will generate an automatic translation for the other available languages. The modified standard template will be translated into the customer's language (as set in their customer profile).

    You can also preview the modified standard letter in the other languages in advance. This can be done by adding one or more languages via the plus tab. You can select multiple languages in the window that appears after clicking the plus tab. You can then customize the layout and content of the letter template for each language individually. 

    If the letter template contains the customer's language, it will be used for the letter. If not, the platform will provide an automatic translation of the selected template.

    • Step 5: Email Subject

    Set the subject line for the email by filling in the Subject field. You can add dynamic data using tags (e.g., [[0]] Invoice {{25}}).

    • Step 6: Content and Style of the Letter

    In the editor you can enter the main text of the email here. Use the formatting options (bold, italics, bullet points, etc.) to style the text.

    Adding Fixed Elements: Write standard phrases that will always be displayed in the letter.

    Adding Dynamic Elements: Use the variables from the Legend on the right-hand side to personalize the letter. Copy or type the desired variables into the text, such as:
    {25} for the order number
    {10} for the customer's legal name
    {36} for the company's logo

    • Step 7: Step 7: Legend (Variables)

    On the right-hand side of the page, you will see a Legend with all the available variables, organized by category:

      • Your Company: Information such as name, phone number, logo, etc.
      • Customer: Customer details, such as name and address.
      • Document Details: Specific invoice information, such as invoice number, amount, and due date.
      • Credit Note Details: Information about any credit notes.

    Click on a category to expand the associated variables, then copy the desired variables into the text of the letter.

    • Step 8: Saving the Settings

    Once you have finished composing the letter and making any changes, click the Save button.
    This will save all your settings and adjustments. The invoice letter is now ready to be used when sending invoices to customers.