Aside from the layout of your invoices you can also set the layout and content of your cover letters and reminder emails. These mails are used to send reminders to your customer. Just like documents you can change the default layout or create several templates. When you've created several templates you can choose your template for an invoice, quote, order form, delivery note or credit note from the dropdown menu at the top and set the layout for your cover letter.
• Fixed elements: the fixed elements are in every mail. For cover letters, these are usually pieces of text such as the address, the sentence 'You hereby receive invoce' or the statement ‘Please pay this invoice by’.
• Dynamic elements: these elements appear in every cover letter, but depend on the customer or invoice. These include your customer's name, the invoice number or amount to be paid. You can recognize them in the layout as a number between accolades. This number refers to the legend on the right hand side. When you send your letter, these numbers are replaced by the data from your document that match the keys from the legend. Contrary to the document templates you can't click or place them. You need to type them in the text or copy/paste them from the column.
• Save: your template will be saved but you stay in the editor screen.
• Save and back: your layout will be saved and you return to the overview of created templates.
• Delete: the template is deleted.
• Duplicate: A new template is created based on the layout you just set. This is useful if you want two templates with only a few differences between them. This way, you don't have to set up the entire template but you can start from the template you already had.