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Layout templates

Even though strictly speaking digital invoices don't have a layout, Billit always provides a visual representation of your invoices. This is used when, for example, you send an invoices as PDF or it serves as PDF that accompanies your digital invoice.

When you create an invoice, quote, delivery note, order form or credit note in Billit they are always created in the default layout. You can change this default layout or even create several layout templates where you can choose from when you create a document. As soon as you've created several templates for a documentyou will see a dropdown menu at the top when you create an invoice. You can choose the template you want from there.

Setting an invoice layout works just like setting the layout for a credit note, quote delivery note or order form. The explanation below applies for the layout of credit notes, quotes, delivery notes or order form.

  • Choosing a layout template

    To set/change an invoice layout, go to 'Settings' > 'Corporate style'. Next, select the document for which you want to change the layout or add a template.

    Select a template from the dropdown meny at the top to open the detail page for that tempalte. The first time only the invoice template 'Invoice 1' will be available. If you want to create a new template you can do this via the button 'Add' in the top right corner. This is especially useful when you want to create different invoices types with a different layout.

    Every default template is also automatically available in different languages. You don't need to create different templates for this.

    Also read: Invoices in different languages

    When you've chosen a template you will see the layout settings for this template below. They consist of a header - with the template name and the top and bottom margins - and a layout screen with the layout markup options.