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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Bank tab

In this tab you can enter the bank accounts you want to link with Billit. With this conection, Billit has up-to-date information which can trigger automatic reminders but it is also used as a basis for the financial overview on the dashboard.

  • How to link your bank account(s) via Codabox (BE only)


    CodaBox is a service for accountants (and entrepreneurs) that makes your bank transactions available online. (Digital bank transactions are also called CODA files, hence the name CodaBox). To make your digital bank transactions available you need to give CodaBox a mandate first to request them from your bank. If you create a CodaBox account yourself, you need to ask for this directly with CodaBox. A lot of accountants already have a mandate from their customers to request these digital bank transactions. Make sure to check with your accountant first whether that is the case for your business. If it isn't, you can ask your accountant to take care of this or create your own Codabox account. Codabox requires a one-time set-up fee and a fixed amount per month to keep receiving your digital bank transactions.

    Did you get the mandate in order with your accountant? Then you can request a token to import your CODA files into Billit.

    To do this, click on the 'Integrations' submenu in the 'Settings' menu. Now click on the 'CodaBox' tile and on 'Request token'. Once the mandate has been signed with your accountant and your email address and bank account numbers are known to CodaBox, you will receive an email containing a token that you can enter in the field provided. Accept the terms and conditions and click 'Save' to import your bank statements via CodaBox into Billit. Not receiving a token? Then contact your accountant to set up the mandate for CodaBox.

    • FAQ's about the CodaBox connection


    Q: I clicked the button ‘Request token’ but I'm getting an email that my account is not know with CodaBox. 
    A: Contact your accountant to add the bank account to your Codabox subscription.

    Q: I clicked the button ‘Request token’ but I'm not getting an email.
    A: Please contact

    Q: I filled in the CodaBox token but it was not accepted.
    A: You probably received a more recent token in your mailbox and the original token is no longer valid. Use the new token or contact

    Q: The bank connection is active in the ‘Bank’ menu but I'm not receiving transactions.
    A: If you're still not receiving bank transactions after a few days, we advise you to contact your accountant or CodaBox. The mandate probably hasn't arrived at the bank yet or no transactions are available with CodaBox.

    Q: I'm receiving automatic transactions in the 'Bank' menu but my invoices are not automatically checked.
    A: There were probably no matches found between the structured remittance and other invoice details. Please contact Provide the invoice number and bank transaction that were not linked so they can help you faster.

    Q: How do I add several bank accountants to the automatic payment check via CodaBox?
    A: To be able to receive CODA files from multiple accounts in Billit, all these bank accounts should be registered with  CodaBox. Contact your accountant to arrange this for your and add all bank accounts for which you want to receive CODA files in Billit.

    Q: I have changed accountants. What now?
    A: When you have a new accountant, they will always need to request a new token to reinstate the bank connection via CodaBox. Check first with your new accountant if they have an account with CodaBox with mandates for all their customers and, if necessary, mandate them to connect your bank accounts or create your own account with CodaBox.

    Q: I'm using the same VAT number for different files and I also connected several bank accounts. How can I see the CODA files from all my accounts in every file?
    A: First, you need to connect CodaBox in one of your files. Then you need to add all your accounts per file; Finally, Billit will need to verify manually which accounts can be shown in each file. Contact our support for this. Make sure to provide which IBAN number can be linked to which file.

    Q: I'm using the same VAT number for different files and I also connected several bank accounts. However, I don't want to see all accounts in one of my files. How do I do this?
    A: You will need to disable the 'sync' function per bank account. Go to your profile in your file and click the 'Bank' tab. Uncheck the 'Sync' box next to the bank account you don't want to connect. Confirm with the 'Save' button.