The 'Company files' tab provides a central place to consult and export your usage data. In the 'Company data', you can see your usage within the license period, including revenue, expenses, and documents. Through 'Company documents', you can export all documents in your file in UBL (.xml) and PDF (.pdf), depending on your preference.
In this section, you can download business documents based on a specific period and file format.
From: Choose the start date for the period for which you want to download documents.
Up to and including: Choose the end date. (This is usually set to the current date or the end of the license period). You can manually enter the date or use the calendar function (orange calendar icon next to the field).
You can select various types of documents:
- Sales ledger as UBL
- Sales ledger as PDF
- Purchase ledger as UBL
- Purchase ledger as PDF
- All Documents
The selected options will determine which files you will download.
Click the orange "Download" button to download the selected documents.