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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Email settings

You can find all email settings by clicking on the 'Settings' menu and then selecting the 'General' submenu.

  • Frequently asked questions about emails

    Q: What if I sent an invoice to a customer with an incorrect email address in their customer file?

    A: You will get an error in the top right corner in Billit. Your invoice status will also remain as 'Not sent'. When you open the invoice you can check the email sent status via 'messages'.

    Q: I'm getting a notification that the organisation is denying access to the mailserver. What should I do?

    A: It is not possible to connect with the mailserver because your organisation is blocking SMTP explicitly for that email address. Contact your IT partner or department to get access.

    Q: Why can’t I set up a shared mailbox as the SMTP email address?

    A: It is not possible to set up a shared mailbox as the SMTP email address because shared mailboxes typically do not have their own login credentials. SMTP requires a unique username and password to connect and send emails.

    To resolve this, you can consider the following:

    • Create a separate user account with its own credentials for the shared mailbox.
    • Use another SMTP address that provides unique login credentials.
    • Consult your IT department to find an alternative solution suitable for your email configuration.