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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Adding suppliers

  • Adding a foreign supplier

    You can create a new foreign supplier from the 'Suppliers' submenu in the menu on the left or from Fast Input when you process an invoice.

    Via the left-hand menu, click on the plus to create a new supplier. Via Fast Input, first open the invoice for which you want to add a new supplier. In the menu on the right, click on 'Create new supplier'. You will see a number of input fields. To view the complete supplier file, click on the square with the arrow in the top right corner.

    Now fill in the pop-up sheet with the details of your supplier.

    Please note: for foreign suppliers you should always check the following:

    • The VAT number of your supplier must start with the country code, even if it is not noted this way by default in this country. With a foreign VAT number you will also get the message that 'the VAT number is not recognized'. This is because Billit is linked to the VIES. If the VAT number is not known here, Billit cannot retrieve that data. You can still continue to create your supplier.
    • Under 'VAT', select the correct VAT regime for foreign suppliers.
    • At the bottom, choose the correct country.
    • Adjust the country code at 'Phone' and 'Mobile' with the code of the relevant country.

    You can fill in the other fields as you would for a domestic supplier. Don't forget to click 'Save' at the bottom to save your data.