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Time registration

  • Time registration in Billit

    The ‘Time registration’ function in Billit allows you to accurately keep track of your hours worked. You can do this through the platform or mobile, using the Billit App. You can then easily create invoices based on the time entries you create this way.

    Activating the time registration module

    Before you can use the time registration module in Billit, you need to activate it. Go to ‘Settings > General’ and activate the module under 'Time registration and projects'. Then click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

    In the left menu, you will now see the item 'Time registration' appear. This function will now also be available in the Billit app.

    Attention: Do you work with multiple users in Billit and have you ever adjusted their rights? Then you need to activate the ‘Time registration’ module for each user.

    To do this, go to ‘Settings > Users’ and click on the name of the user for whom you want to activate the module. Scroll down to ‘Rights’, activate the ‘Time registration’ option, and click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

    In the Billit platform

    Create a time entry manually

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Time registration’ in the left-hand column.
    2. Click the ‘Add time entry’ button at the top right.
    3. Enter the necessary details:
      1. Project: allocate the time entry to a project (optional)
      2. Customer: allocate the time entry directly to the customer you want to invoice for it (optional)
      3. Date: enter the date on which you worked the hours or when you started the time entry
      4. Hours: enter the number of hours you worked for this time entry. You can enter this manually or use the buttons ‘+0:15’, ‘+0:30’ and ‘+1:00’ to modify your entry quickly.
      5. Description: add a unique description so that later, you can easily find the work you have done (optional)
      6. Invoiced: enable this button if you have already invoiced the time entry.
    4. Click ‘Add’ when you are finished. You can edit the data later.
    5. Your time entry will appear in the overview. Use the pencil on the right to edit the time entry.
    6. Click the recycle bin icon to the far right of the time entry to delete the time entry.

    Create a time entry with the timer

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Time registration’ in the left-hand column.
    2. Click the ‘Start the clock’ button at the top right.
    3. Your time entry will appear in the overview, with a running timer.
    4. Click the ‘Stop’ button to stop the timer. (You can only stop running timers that you started yourself.)
    5. Use the pencil on the right to edit the time entry and enter or edit the necessary details:
      1. Project: allocate the time entry to a project (optional)
      2. Customer: allocate the time entry directly to the customer you want to invoice for it (optional)
      3. Date: enter the date on which you worked the hours or when you started the time entry
      4. Hours: enter the number of hours you worked for this time entry. You can enter this manually or use the buttons ‘+0:15’, ‘+0:30’ and ‘+1:00’ to modify your entry quickly.
      5. Description: add a unique description so that later, you can easily find the work you have done (optional)
      6. Invoiced: enable this button if you have already invoiced the time entry.
    6. You can restart a timer by clicking the ‘Start’ button at the appropriate time entry in the list. You can only do this with timers you initially started yourself.
    7. Click the recycle bin icon to the far right of the time entry to delete the time entry.

    Create a time entry from within a project

    If you are working with projects, you can also easily add a time entry from within a project, either manually or via a timer.

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Projects’ in the left-hand column.
    2. In the overview, click the project for which you want to record working hours.
    3. Click ‘Add time entry’ or ‘Start clock’ to add or start a new time entry for this project.

    Apply filters to the list of time entry

    If you have a long list of time entries and are losing track of them, you can set one or more filters to quickly find the right time entry.
    You can set different filters on the time registration screen under the word ‘Overview’:

    • Start date
    • End date
    • Period
    • User
    • Project
    • Customer

    You can remove one or several filters you have set by clicking ‘Set default filters’.

    Create an invoice based on time entries

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Time registration’ in the left-hand column.
    2. In the overview, select one or more time entries you want to use as the basis for your invoice.
    3. Click ‘Create invoice’ (under the filters).
    4. You will now arrive at the screen to create an invoice. Any customer and/or project added to your time entry will be automatically filled in. Your order lines are also automatically filled in based on your project data.
    5. Complete the rest of the fields and click ‘Create invoice’. Your invoice will appear in the invoice overview.
    6. The invoiced time entries are highlighted in green in the time entry overview. If you do not want this, you can use the pencil to edit the time entry and disable the ‘invoiced’ option again.

    Mark time entries as invoiced in bulk

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Time registration’ in the left-hand column.
    2. In the overview, select the time entries you want to mark as invoiced.
    3. Click ‘Mark as invoiced’ (below the filters).
    4. To remove the ‘Invoiced’ mark, edit the time entry with the pencil on the right and uncheck the ‘Invoiced’ option in the pop-up that appears. This is not possible in bulk, only one time entry at a time.

    In the Billit App

    1. Open the app and click the ‘Time registration’ button.
    2. The date is automatically set to today. Use the arrows at the top left and right or the calendar icon to choose a different date.
    3. Start a new time entry by using the ‘Start clock’ button at the bottom.
    4. Click the Stop button (⏹️) to stop the timer.
    5. Click the time entry to edit it and enter or edit the necessary details:
      1. Project: allocate the time entry to a project (optional)
      2. Customer: allocate the time entry directly to the customer you want to invoice for it (optional)
      3. Date: enter the date on which you worked the hours or when you started the time entry
      4. Hours: enter the number of hours you worked for this time entry. You can enter this manually or use the buttons ‘+0:15’, ‘+0:30’ and ‘+1:00’ to modify your entry quickly.
      5. Description: add a unique description so that later, you can easily find the work you have done (optional)
    6. Click ‘Save’ when you have finished. You can edit the data later.
    7. Click the recycle bin at the bottom left to delete a time entry.
      You can also manually create a time entry using the ‘+’ button at the bottom left, without using the timer.