Simple and compliant invoicing

E-invoicing in Romania

E-invoicing in Romania has been mandatory for a while for those who do business with the Romanian government.

But things are changing rapidly for Romanian businesses as well, with new e-invoicing and tax reporting obligations coming soon.

Read more about the current situation and the predicted impact on your business.

Peles Castle Romania

E-invoicing requirements in Romania

Legal obligations

Central, regional and local authorities in Romania are legally required to receive and process e-invoices from businesses. For suppliers of public bodies only submitting is mandatory.

As of 1 July 2024 exchanging e-invoices will become mandatory for all Romanian businesses. In addition, digital tax reporting is required as of 1 January 2024 by submitting e-invoices to the central Romanian platform e-Factura.


Options for sending e-invoices to Romania

The Romanian ANAF (National Fiscal Administration Agency) has created the platform e-Factura for invoice exchange with the government and Business-to-Business transactions. The use of e-Factura is mandatory.

All invoices must be submitted in the RO_CIUS format, the Romanian XML standard. You can submit an invoice via the online form and generate an XML or convert your XML into a PDF.

A platform like Billit, however, connects directly to the ANAF and submits your invoices in the correct format. This means you can safely send your e-invoices to the Romanian government and to your customers. You can also receive e-invoices in the same platform.

Creating a Billit account and sending your first e-invoice only takes a few minutes.

ANAF Logo 656X600

How to send e-invoices to Romania

If you want to send or receive e-invoices from Romania, you need to register with the ANAF platform. 

Follow the steps below to register on ANAF via Billit and send your first invoice.

Step 1

Create a Billit account

  • Create your free trial account using the button below.
  • Enter your company information in the 'My company' tab.
  • Through the menu item 'My Profile' you can further complete your company details.
Billit - Create Account
Step 2

Connect to ANAF

In order to send your first Romanian invoice, you need to connect to ANAF. 

  • In Billit, go to 'Settings' and 'Integrations' in the left-hand menu.
  • Look for 'ANAF' in the search bar or scroll down the list. 
  • Click on the 'available' button.
  • Fill in the details as received from the ANAF platform and click 'Save'.
    If you don't have these details yet, please consult this step by step manual.
Screen ANAF Integrationpage 656X600
Step 3

Create a customer

  • Click on 'Customers' in the menu on the left and click the '+add' button
  • Fill in your customer's details
  • In the section 'invoicing address' set the country to 'Romania'
  • Fill in the VAT number for your customer or the NIF number for companies not liable to VAT. The VAT number is the 8-digit NIF number, preceded by 'RO'. You can check the validity of NIF codes via Registru TVA
  • You can look up Romanian VAT numbers in the European VIES platform
Billit - Dashboard
Step 4

Create & send invoice

  • Go to the income tab to create your first invoice and click the '+Add' button
  • In the customer field, select the customer you've just created
  • Fill in the rest of your invoice and click 'create invoice' to finalize
  • Click the 'Send' button to see all sending options
  • Billit will automatically recognize if your customer is connected to ANAF. Click the button 'Send via ANAF' to send your invoice
Billit - Create Invoice

Why use Billit for connecting to ANAF?

Easy registering

Billit takes care of your registration on ANAF. Wen you create a Billit account and activate the connection, you will automatically register on ANAF.

Correct format

Your invoices are automatically converted in the required RO-CIUS format. That means you don't have to retype anything and all your invoices will meet the required standard as soon as you create them.

Central platform

Use one platform to create, track and receive your invoices. Billit will automatically retrieve all communication and status messages from ANAF. Your incoming invoices will also appear immediately in Billit so you can keep all your e-invoices in one place.

Safely exchange sensitive financial data

The identity of everyone affiliated with the network is verified, so you can be sure that the invoices you receive are genuine, and you avoid invoice fraud.

Automate your invoicing process

The invoices you send through the network are completely digital, so you can process them automatically in your invoicing software.

Send invoices quickly

Create your invoice and send it immediately via ANAF. Combined with automatic processing, this will save a lot of time.

Which identifiers are being used in Romania

There are many kinds of identifiers you will need to send invoices to Romania. Find out the difference between each option below.

Type Description Example
NIF (Număr de identificare fiscală) This is the tax identification number for Romanian companies. It consists of 8 numerical digits. 12345678
VAT The code indicates whether Romanian companies are liable to VAT. This is the same 8-digit number as the NIF, preceded by 'RO'. RO12345678
GLN Stands for Global Location Number. It is used by companies to identify their locations, such as legal entities, functions and physical or digital locations. You can request a GLN number with GS1. 5488888010598
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