Simple and compliant invoicing with SAT

E-invoicing in Mexico

If you want to send invoices to Mexican companies, individuals or the government you will need to have them signed and stamped by the SAT.

Find out how you can do this legally and digitally and get started in a few easy steps.

Mexico SAT

E-invoicing requirements in Mexico

Legal obligations

All businesses operating under the jurisdiction of SAT in Mexico have been required to use e-invoicing since 2014. This obligation applies to all transactions, including those for government entities (B2G), business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C).

Options for sending e-invoices to Mexico

All invoices to Mexican entities need to be digitally stamped and signed by the SAT before you can send them to your customer. You can, however, choose your delivery method, such as via mail or email.

When you use Billit, your invoices will convert to the required CFDI format automatically, and they will be signed and stamped according to Mexican requirements.

How to send e-invoices to Mexico

If you want to send invoices to Mexico you will need to send them to SAT first for signing and stamping. 

Follow the steps below to register on Billit, create your first invoice and send it to SAT.

Step 1

Create a Billit account

  • Create your free trial account using the button below.
  • Enter your company information in the 'My company' tab.
Billit - Create Account
Step 2

Setup integration

  • Go to 'Settings' and 'Integrations' in the left-hand menu.
  •  Look for 'SAT' in the search bar or scroll down the list.
  • Click on the 'available' button.
  • Upload the Certificate and Private Key file and enter the password.
  • Next click on 'Save' to save the changes.


Don't have a certificate or private key yet? Read more detailed instructions in our help article.

Screen Sat Integrationpage 656X600
Step 3

Create a customer

  • Click on 'Customers' in the menu on the left and click the '+add' button
  • Fill in your customer's details
  • In the section 'invoicing address' set the country to 'Mexico'
Billit - Dashboard
Step 4

Create, stamp & send invoice

  • Go to the income tab to create your first invoice and click the '+Add' button
  • In the customer field, select the customer you've just created
  • Fill in the rest of your invoice and click 'create invoice' to finalize
  • Sign the e-invoice
  • Click the 'Send' button to see all sending options

Please note: if the invoice hasn't been signed before trying to send it, it will get stamped automatically.

Billit - Create Invoice

Why use Billit to connect with SAT?

Safely exchange sensitive financial data

SAT's electronic systems ensure the security and integrity of financial data. Digital certificates and secure platforms protect sensitive information from fraud.

Avoid retyping data

Your invoices are automatically converted in the required CFDI format. That means you don't have to retype anything and all your invoices will meet the required standard as soon as you create them.

Always legally compliant

Using SAT is critical for adhering to Mexican tax laws and regulations. Taxpayers need it to accurately file their tax returns, pay applicable taxes, and avoid legal issues. Adhering with these obligations is not only a legal requirement but it also fosters a culture of responsibility and integrity.

What is SAT?

The Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) is the tax collection authority in Mexico, responsible for managing federal tax collection, enforcing tax laws, overseeing customs operations, and ensuring fiscal compliance.

Part of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, SAT monitors and enforces taxation laws and obligations. To pay income tax in Mexico, individuals or corporations must register with SAT. Anyone earning revenue, including rental income within Mexico, is obligated to register and pay the appropriate taxes.

Connect to the Billit Access Point, with or without your own software

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