Innovations and modifications

Release notes


Time registration - New Module

  • The much-anticipated time registration module is now live! With just a click, users can start timers or add time entries. Additionally, they can effortlessly associate projects and customers with their time entries. Select multiple time entries and create an invoice out of it.

  • Time registration settings: the time registration module and project module need to be activated by the user. Once activated both modules will appear in the left side menu of the platform. The default hourly rate can also be set in the time registration and projects settings block.

Projects - New Module

  • Next to the new "Time registration" module the platform now also offers a new "Projects" module. Platform users are now able to manage projects, associate time entries with a project and group all income and expenditure invoices related to that project.

  • Project overview screen: an overview of all projects:
    • Project name + related customer
    • Start and end date
    •  Project budget
    • Project status

  • Project detail screen: the project detail screen contains:
    • Summary
    • A summary of the project with some KPI's
    • Time registration
    • All time entries related to the project
    • Time registration can be fully used via the project detail screen
    • Expenditure
    • All expenditure invoices related to the project
    • Income
    • All income invoices related to the project

  • Project creation and edit screen: this is the setup screen of the project with:
    • Project status
    • Project details + description
    • Project budget (not required but useful for the KPI's in the project summary)

Accountant software

  • Yuki via API: From now on, Yuki and Billit can communicate with each other via an API link, so that both platforms now work together even more smoothly.


  • United States: United States is now selectable on the registration page.

AXA - Coda files 

  • Since Crelan has taken over AXA Bank, all AXA account numbers will be moved to a Crelan account. Since Crelan accounts can provide our platform CODA files, this will now also be possible for these AXA bank accounts.